Monday, July 29, 2019

Philosophy As The Origin Of Every Sort Of Knowledge Term Paper

Philosophy As The Origin Of Every Sort Of Knowledge - Term Paper Example Philosophy is the origin of every sort of knowledge even though we have different streams of knowledge at present like, arts, sciences, mathematics etc. In order to give respect to philosophy, even now a doctoral student gets the degree of doctor of philosophy even if he has completed his doctoral studies in other subjects like physics, chemistry or history. Earlier, it was the philosophers who interpreted various things happening around them to the world. For example, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes were some of the prominent philosophers of ancient time who succeeded in educating the people about the various natural and unnatural things happening around them. This paper tries to answer questions like; Is philosophy practical? Can we ever really know anything? Is there ultimately objectivity to ethics? Is happiness really possible in our world? Is there, after all a god? What is the good life? etc. Many people feel philosophy is remote from human life because it deals with lon g time spans, immense areas of space, and matters which cannot always be perceived by the senses. A philosophy which meets the needs of men will both reflect the structure of nature accurately and apply to man's everyday experience. In order for such ideas to be helpful practically, they must descend from the realms of theoretical debate to become an intimate part of the person himself. They must be absorbed into the whole person rather than being, like a fact about the migration of birds, stored away in some corner of the brain (Is philosophy practical?)... Philosophy is all about asking questions and finding answers. It is difficult to get 100% correct answers to all the questions asked. Questions which get 100% correct or absolute answers can be put under the label of practical philosophy. For example, we know currently that earth is rotating around the sun and that is why day and night occurs. In other words rotation of earth is proved beyond doubt and hence we can put it under the practical philosophy label. However, we do not know what happens to our soul after our death. Religions have different teachings about the future of soul based on certain beliefs. It is difficult to put this topic under practical philosophy label. In short, philosophy can sometimes practical and sometimes impractical. Can we ever really know anything? What we know about this universe is much lesser than what we do not know about this world. Even scientific principles are undergoing changes at time passes. For example, earlier we assumed that sun is moving while earth remains stationary, later we concluded that the earth is moving and the sun remains stationery. According to the latest scientific principles, both earth and the sun are moving and we do not feel the movement of sun because of the huge size of sun compared to earth. Same way earlier, we thought that electricity is the flow of protons and we represent the direction electricity from anode to cathode or from positive terminal to the negative terminal. Later we realize that electricity is nothing but flow electrons and it is impossible for electrons to flow from anode to cathode. In short, scientific principles are undergoing changes periodically and it is foolishness to assume that we know something about

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